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The Impact of Distress on Political Relationships & Psychosocial Reverberations in the Community
Alec Rodger Memorial Lecture 2023
Judith Broder "Hidden Wounds of War"
Dana Sinopoli - Psycho Impact of Trauma on Migrant Children 10/14/18
Andrew F. Holmes Lecture-Nikolas Rose
Trauma and Resilience Training
Year 9 Baron Snider 2021 Final - Full Event
Webinar: The Impacts of War on Health and Human Rights
A Vida Psíquica da Política Internacional | Mesa 1: Dos afetos; da Política Internacional
Episode 52 Global Mental Health - Coloniality, Technology and Medicalization
Culture as Treatment for American Indian Substance Abuse (Joe Gone)
Mental Illness 101: Part IV: Childhood Trauma and Mental Health Impacts